Tollywood mega star and Congress MP K Chiranjeevi and YSRCP MLA Roja met at a gift perform unionised by a well-liked TV station. They recalled their days of acting in movies. Roja enquired with Chiranjeevi regarding his one hundred and fiftieth show. She told Chiranjeevi that he incorporates a special place within the hearts of individuals. Chiranjeevi was all praise for Roja. He same that she became noted on tv by hosting many programmes in numerous channels. Chiranjeevi conjointly spoke with the female offspring of Roja.
Tollywood mega star and Congress MP K Chiranjeevi and YSRCP MLA Roja met at a gift perform unionised by a well-liked TV station. They recalled their days of acting in movies. Roja enquired with Chiranjeevi regarding his one hundred and fiftieth show. She told Chiranjeevi that he incorporates a special place within the hearts of individuals. Chiranjeevi was all praise for Roja. He same that she became noted on tv by hosting many programmes in numerous channels. Chiranjeevi conjointly spoke with the female offspring of Roja.
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Chiranjeevi and Roja at TV Channel Award Function