Apart from regulating kapha dosha it also regulates metabolism due to shot potency.Neem enhances insulin receptor sensitivity and are also helpful in reducing the need for hypo-glycaemic drugs.
Direction of use: Dried leaves powder- 3-6 gm
Karela (Bittergourd)
Apart from regulating kapha dosha it also regulates metabolism due to shot potency.Neem enhances insulin receptor sensitivity and are also helpful in reducing the need for hypo-glycaemic drugs.
Direction of use: Dried leaves powder- 3-6 gm
Karela (Bittergourd)
Tikta, laghu, ruksha gunas of karelapacify aggravation of kapha. It stimulates pancreas, liver and spleen and regulates blood sugar level. Ruksha guna and katu vipak improves absorption of food and better metabolism.
Direction of use: Juice of fresh fruit- 10-20ml, dried fruit powder 3-6 gm
Methi (fenugreek)
Tikta ras (bitter taste) and ushna virya of methi makes it kapha shamak, which fights the root cause of diabetes
Direction of use: Seed and whole plant, Powder - 2 to 6 gm
Bilva is kaphashamak by ruksha, laghu, Kashaya and bitter properties. These properties makes it effective to regulate the blood sugar and combat diabetic complications.
Direction of use: Powder of dried unripe fruit 3-6 gm.
Regulates kapha dosha (stability and structure) due to its astringent, heating and dry nature which is the primary cause of diabetes. It also have good effect on functioning of liver and pancreas
Direction of use: Root powder: 1-2 gms, decoction: 10 ml-20 ml
Direction of use: Juice of fresh fruit- 10-20ml, dried fruit powder 3-6 gm
Methi (fenugreek)
Tikta ras (bitter taste) and ushna virya of methi makes it kapha shamak, which fights the root cause of diabetes
Direction of use: Seed and whole plant, Powder - 2 to 6 gm
Bilva is kaphashamak by ruksha, laghu, Kashaya and bitter properties. These properties makes it effective to regulate the blood sugar and combat diabetic complications.
Direction of use: Powder of dried unripe fruit 3-6 gm.
Regulates kapha dosha (stability and structure) due to its astringent, heating and dry nature which is the primary cause of diabetes. It also have good effect on functioning of liver and pancreas
Direction of use: Root powder: 1-2 gms, decoction: 10 ml-20 ml
Apart from regulating kapha dosha it also regulates metabolism due to shot potency.Neem enhances insulin receptor sensitivity and are also helpful in reducing the need for hypo-glycaemic drugs.
Direction of use: Dried leaves powder- 3-6 gm
Karela (Bittergourd)
Apart from regulating kapha dosha it also regulates metabolism due to shot potency.Neem enhances insulin receptor sensitivity and are also helpful in reducing the need for hypo-glycaemic drugs.
Direction of use: Dried leaves powder- 3-6 gm
Karela (Bittergourd)
Tikta, laghu, ruksha gunas of karelapacify aggravation of kapha. It stimulates pancreas, liver and spleen and regulates blood sugar level. Ruksha guna and katu vipak improves absorption of food and better metabolism.
Direction of use: Juice of fresh fruit- 10-20ml, dried fruit powder 3-6 gm
Methi (fenugreek)
Tikta ras (bitter taste) and ushna virya of methi makes it kapha shamak, which fights the root cause of diabetes
Direction of use: Seed and whole plant, Powder - 2 to 6 gm
Bilva is kaphashamak by ruksha, laghu, Kashaya and bitter properties. These properties makes it effective to regulate the blood sugar and combat diabetic complications.
Direction of use: Powder of dried unripe fruit 3-6 gm.
Regulates kapha dosha (stability and structure) due to its astringent, heating and dry nature which is the primary cause of diabetes. It also have good effect on functioning of liver and pancreas
Direction of use: Root powder: 1-2 gms, decoction: 10 ml-20 ml
Direction of use: Juice of fresh fruit- 10-20ml, dried fruit powder 3-6 gm
Methi (fenugreek)
Tikta ras (bitter taste) and ushna virya of methi makes it kapha shamak, which fights the root cause of diabetes
Direction of use: Seed and whole plant, Powder - 2 to 6 gm
Bilva is kaphashamak by ruksha, laghu, Kashaya and bitter properties. These properties makes it effective to regulate the blood sugar and combat diabetic complications.
Direction of use: Powder of dried unripe fruit 3-6 gm.
Regulates kapha dosha (stability and structure) due to its astringent, heating and dry nature which is the primary cause of diabetes. It also have good effect on functioning of liver and pancreas
Direction of use: Root powder: 1-2 gms, decoction: 10 ml-20 ml